Accessor registry is used to create or resolve a Pickle by using a registry of run-time classes associated to their respective accessor.
Base trait for FiniteDurationSecondsAccessor, useful for extending if needed.
Represents a single migration to a specified version
Represents a single migration to a specified version
The version type
This is the actual object that is serialized to JSON to represent the 'pickled' data.
This is the actual object that is serialized to JSON to represent the 'pickled' data.
- The generic 'pickled' data, to be used by the accessor that is looked up via the registry.
- The class name that is used to look up the accessor via the registry.
Global singleton implementation of the registry.
Serializes FiniteDuration as the floating-point number of seconds with fractional component.
Serializes FiniteDuration as the floating-point number of seconds with fractional component. This is not globally implicit because it is use-case dependant and should generally only be imported into the specific scope that it's needed.
Accessor registry is used to create or resolve a Pickle by using a registry of run-time classes associated to their respective accessor. These must be registered near application startup before use.
The registry is roughly thread-safe, all operations are idempotent so consistent state is observed by all users.